A Legend of the Alder
Copyright 2024 Alder Publishing
The Sierra Alder Authors, Ernest & Rita Gradhatch-Mauro, Chris & Karen Minaki, Mary & Jim Donahue
Editors, Marie & Ann Arten
We would like to thank our family and friends for their support!
Chapter 1: Recycle a Fun Day
If you sit back against the trunk of an ancient tree whose roots lead deep into the ground, and close your eyes whilst listening to the leaves whisper in the wind, you may hear the wise elder share a story.
It's good to be with you! Allow me to introduce myself. I am the alder tree. I am happy to share with you a tale of my friends that occurred many moons ago in the old growth forest.
Early one morning, as Earlynne the wren sprightly flew to a nearby branch, while chirping an uplifting song, and the dawning sun warmed the mist enshrouded mountains, who awakened deep within the alder hollow?, Why, the family of gray squirrels who are known for the tree they live within, the Sierra-Alder Family!
I am the particular aged alder tree in question, and have been entrusted with this story. Interestingly enough, I collaborate with some young authors who have included their inspired creations in a special hollow branch, tucked away from rainy weather, where they write poetry and stories to while away the time. These two gifted friends of ours are Emma and Laura, named for the uniqueness of nature, and learning both old and new things while achieving one's goals. They have asked for my help in presenting their book of poetry, stories, and art, and I am proud to bring to your rainy day library the following book.
Well, as I mentioned, it was indeed one of those days where alto stratus clouds gradually drifted over the morning sun, indicating that rain was not far behind. While the calming precipitation ensued, Laura asked Emma if she could think of a name for an imaginary creature who was on the verge of going extinct due to a polluted environment. Emma pondered for a moment, and then posed the following idea. "Polluticosaurusrecycleamidstus”. Laura laughed and replied “Perfect. Should we write a poetic rap concerning this odd Polluticosaurusrecycleamidstus?"
“Yes,” responded Emma. “It’s up to us to recycle amidst us. Pollutically, it may be correct."
“Yes, it does seem to be the pollutically correct thing to do.” They both laughed together at this notion, and busily wrote ideas for rhymes on a pad of recycled paper Emma's mom, Mrs. Sierra-Alder, had helped them make. After a lengthy discussion concerning the correct placement of their ideas, they finally agreed to the following collaborative hip hop poem. Their cousin Ben joined them, having stepped out of the rain for a spell to visit his aunt and uncle’s family after having delivered the morning’s daily journal, “The Lawlookway Tattler.” Incidentally, the Tattler did predict the rain this very morning, keeping its tradition of accurate weather reporting. Ben provided the vocal rhythm. He was quite talented, and they played a flawless performance for Mrs. And Mr. Sierra-Alder.
So I suppose you are wondering how it went? Well, it went quite well, though I’ll let you judge for yourself. Listen closely, and you can hear Earlynne the wren chirping along, despite the rain. Earlynne never let a rainy day dampen her spirits! (And it is always helpful to find a nice tree that provides enough shelter to keep you mostly dry!)
If you sort and recycle you might find some good stuff
If you utilize your noggin you can create some fun stuff
A shaker, a bass, even a bookcase
Some paper or clay, let’s start today!
One could even write a skit or a play!
Ecological learning
Environmental awareness
If you practice your talents with faith and trust
You can notate a tune, perhaps for bassoon
Repairing with yarn an old winter sweater
Learning to knit from a patient kind elder
Who knows, if you are studios
And seriously study
With recycled paper you could write a novel
Let’s recycle today for a better tomorrow
Well, Mrs. And Mr. Sierra-Alder were quite impressed. They both agreed it was a splendid poem. They made a scrumptious lunch including acorn bread with huckleberry preserves and peppermint tea harvested from Mrs. Sierra-Alder’s herb garden.
Afterwards, Mrs. Sierra-Alder showed them her recycled paper making technique, and they made Valentines Day cards for their friends. Mr. Sierra-Alder brought out several music stands he had made from recycled lumber that had been discarded, and they joined together in a musical quintet, Mr. Sierra-Alder playing the standup bass, Mrs. Sierra-Alder playing the guitar, Ben the earth drum, Laura the harp and Emma the Celtic fiddle. They went through their repertoire, including the four song suite, “Melodious Roots”. The songs that comprise this suite are:
1. An Ear is Listening
2. I Like to Recycle
3. Gathering for the Winter
4. A Child's Gray Yonder
If you enjoy old fashioned, grass roots folk music, you may find these unique tunes suitable to your ears as well. Be sure to be ready to dance, because these tunes were made to move your feet! Is everybody ready? OK then, on the count of four: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro…
The session went well. The music lifted their spirits, and as the rain subsided, Mrs. Sierra-Alder reminded the children it was now time for their mid afternoon naps. They were indeed tired, and grateful to have this time to rest. Ben gathered his newspaper carrying pouch and before finishing his paper route, politely mentioned to them, "Have a wonderful afternoon."
Mrs. Sierra-Alder then tucked the two young squirrels, Emma and Laura, in for their rest. They were all grateful that the rain had provided this opportunity for them to gather together and recycle a fun day!